May 14, 2009 journal, the House of Esau owns and operates the Federal Reserve banking conspiracy in America which was falsely created in 1913 in the Federal Reserve Act and it was signed by President Woodrow Wilson who later admitted and repented of doing it. Socialism did not just start with this new administration it has been creeping on for years. The evils of the Federal Reserve are innumerable and their activities are coming to light. I received a forward of the following hearing of the Federal Reserve before Congress and it reveals what a lousy institution they really are pretending to be our central bank but they are really an imposture cheating the American taxpayers to death literally. May God take them out entirely. I rebuke the banking lobbyist and pray that they would soon disappear. Any criticism of the banking system, the Federal Reserve or the tax collecting agencies is really considered to be anti Semitic, if it is not against the law it is treated as such already. Anyone exposing the truth about the attack on America is branded as a terrorist extremist. The bottom has fallen out of the dollar and the American worldwide stock market as they traded in worthless derivatives so the Fed dumps trillions of dollars into the system while pretending to get the bailout and stimulus approved by Congress the back door has been open to the rotten banks giving them unlimited funds in what still spends a phony money. J P Morgan Chase bank started the phony derivatives trading in the early 1990's. The demonstration against abortion at Notre Dame in West Bend Indiana resulting in 20 arrest protesting the president speaking there at their commencement including Randall Terry and Alan Keyes. Catholic priests also protested but so far the Catholic Church has not come to the rescue of those arrested. Even Pat Roberson defended the president's right to speak there and the Catholic Church's right to have him speak there as president. I really like Alan Keyes as a politician inspite of the fact he is Catholic even as I like Pat Buchanan inspite of the fact he is Catholic because they are both so brilliant and genuine. South Bend Indiana as a funny place for a major Catholic University to be located but when you consider the Catholic Church owned all of North and South America prior to we the Pilgrims becoming we the people then you understand how Catholicism remains. The demonstrators were saying it is inconsistent for the Catholic Church being pro-life to have a speaker which is politically pro-death protecting a woman's right to "free choice". I do not guarantee that the Catholic Church is genuinely pro-life after their death history. The Catholic Church's war against the Protestant Church since Martin Luther's exodus in 1517 and for centuries earlier has been a consistent path of death on their term "heretics". They have never repented of calling true Christians or Protestant Christians their enemies. The Catholic Church is not the "First Church" because it did not yet assist during the New Testament times and is not a part of or did not start with the 7 churches that began with the day of Pentecost according to Acts Chapter 2. The Protestant church came out of the Catholic Church during the Luther protest or revolution including the Baptist and all the Protestant denominations which resulted from Martin Luther's Protestant movement. The one million Christians that have been killed or displaced in Baghdad are largely Catholic and they were protected under Saddam Hussain during all his years of reign none killed. The Catholic Church rose out of the ashes of Rome for a global tyrannical empire in holy robes. The celibacy oath is just one of their many evils turning some of their priest into weirdo child molesters which has all but bankrupted their enormous wealth wherein they hold more gold and silver than all the nations on earth basically expressed in the Open Veins book on the pillage of Latin-American. I have for long heard of their vast wealth.